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How to Work With Our Loss Draft Insurance Department

What You Need to Do to Get Your Insurance Claim Funds

When you file a claim with your homeowners insurance company, you will see that Freedom Mortgage or the investor who owns your mortgage is named as a payee on the claim check.

We know that dealing with damage to your home can be stressful and we are committed to processing your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible.

To get started, you will need a copy of your insurance adjuster’s worksheet and your claim check. Once you have these please call 888-810-7318 to speak with one of our Insurance Claim Specialists. We are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET and Saturday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ET.

Your claim check may include money for living expenses, the loss of your home’s contents, and the loss of personal property as well as repairs to your home. Any funds not related to the repair of your home will be endorsed and released to you without delay.

Please read the overview of the insurance claim process at Freedom Mortgage below, to help you understand what you can expect and what you need to do.

How Does the Insurance Claim Process Work?

How we process your claim depends on the amount of loss and the status of your loan. These are the most common types of claims:

Loss Claims of $40,000 or Less

For losses of $40,000 or less, you will need to send us the claim check and the adjuster’s report from your insurance company. Once we’ve received them, we will endorse the claim check and mail it back to you. Please do not endorse the check before you send it to us.

Loss Claims of More Than $40,000

For losses of more than $40,000, you will need to send us the claim check, which we will deposit in a restricted escrow account while we monitor the progress of your home repairs. Please be sure to endorse the check before you send it to us.

We’ll also ask for the adjuster’s report, signed and accepted proposals from your contractors, and other documents. Once we have all these documents, we’ll explain to you how the funds in your escrow fund will be paid out and how we will monitor the progress of repairs and confirm they are complete.

Funds from your escrow account are typically paid in stages, beginning with an initial payment followed by additional payments. If there are funds left in the escrow account after all the repairs have been paid, these funds will be sent to you.

Loss Claims When Your Payments Are Delinquent

When your Freedom Mortgage loan payments are delinquent, you will need to send us the claim check, which we will deposit in a restricted escrow account. This is required regardless of the amount of your loss claim. Please be sure to endorse the check before you send it to us.

We will ask you to send us other claim documents. Once we have all these documents, we’ll explain to you how the funds in your escrow fund will be paid out and how we will monitor the progress of repairs and confirm they are complete.

How Do You Mail Checks and Claim Documents to Freedom Mortgage?

You can send your claim check and other insurance claim documents to us by overnight or regular mail. Please use one of these mail addresses:

Overnight Mail Regular Mail
Freedom Mortgage
Attention: Loss Draft Department
700 Tower Drive, Suite 400
Troy, MI 48098
Freedom Mortgage
Attention: Loss Draft Department
PO Box 5053
Troy, MI 48007-5053

Can You Email and Fax Claim Documents to Freedom Mortgage?

Yes. You can email your insurance claim documents to You can fax these documents to 866-751-9365.

Who Do You Call With Questions About Your Insurance Claim?

When you have questions about your insurance claim, please contact one of our Insurance Claim Specialists by calling 888-810-7318. Our specialists are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET and Saturday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ET.

Does Freedom Mortgage Work with Proctor Loan Protector?

Yes. Freedom Mortgage works with Proctor Loan Protector to help manage your insurance claims. You may receive calls or other communications from Proctor as a result. Please be assured these calls and communications are legitimate.

How Does Freedom Mortgage Determine the Amount of the Loss Claim?

Freedom Mortgage uses the adjuster’s report from your insurance company to help us determine the amount of your claim. We typically subtract costs not related to repairing the structure of your house when we do this.

For example, pretend you file a $60,000 insurance claim of which $30,000 covers the costs of repairing your home and $30,000 covers the cost of replacing its contents. In this case, the amount of your loss claim would be $30,000—just the amount related to repairing your home.

Can You Use Claim Funds to Make Your Loan Current or Pay off Your Loan?

You cannot use claim funds to make a delinquent loan current. You can use claim funds to pay off your mortgage loan, but only if you use the funds to pay off the full amount. Please contact Freedom Mortgage if you are interested in paying off your mortgage. In the case of a total loss of your home, we reserve the right to use claim funds to pay off your loan.

Last reviewed and updated December 2024 by Freedom Mortgage.


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