How to Work with Our Loss Draft Insurance Department
Get Your Property Damage Insurance Claim Check Endorsed
Experiencing a loss or damage to your home can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help!
After you file a claim with your homeowners insurance company and they assess the damage, your insurance company will often mail you an adjuster's worksheet and a claim check. The check is typically made out to you, any co-borrowers, and Freedom Mortgage as the mortgagee.
Since Freedom Mortgage is included on your check, we need to endorse it, too.
To open a check endorsement request, contact our Insurance Claims Department at 888-810-7318. We are available Monday– Friday, 8 AM–8 PM, ET, and Saturday, 9 AM–2:00 PM, ET.
How to Get Your Insurance Claim Check Endorsed
The process to request check endorsement depends on whether the total amount of your insurance claim loss is less than or equal to $40,000 or greater than $40,000. In the case of USDA loans, the loss is evaluated at $20,000 or less and greater than $20,000.
Loss Claims of $40,000 or Less ($20,000 or Less for USDA Loans)
For a loss of $40,000 or less, you will need to send us the following items:
- A claim check for the damages covered under your insurance policy. It will be made payable to both you and Freedom Mortgage. Important: You and anyone else the check is made out to on your end must endorse the check before sending it to us.
- An adjuster’s report, which provides an estimate of the property damage and itemizes your claim.
- Owner’s affidavit for USDA loans, concerning the repairs to the property and how they will be paid for.
Once we have these items, our processing team will review your loan payment history and confirm the loss amount is $40,000 or less. We’ll then endorse and release the check(s) back to you in approximately six to eight business days after we’ve received the items from you.
If the total claim amount is less than $40,000, but your loan is not current at the date of the loss or your total claim check is over $40,000, we will deposit your check and make disbursements as repairs are made. Please refer to the “Loss Claims Greater than $40,000” section below for more details.
To get started with your check endorsement request, contact our Property Damage Insurance Claims Department at 888-810-7318. We are available Monday–Friday, 8 AM–8 PM, ET, and Saturday, 9 AM–2 PM, ET.
Loss Claims Greater than $40,000 (Greater than $20,000 for USDA Loans)
For losses of more than $40,000, you will need to send the claim check to us, which we will deposit in a restricted escrow account while we monitor the progress of your home repairs. Please be sure to endorse the check before you send it to us.
Also required are the adjuster’s report, signed and accepted proposals from your contractors, and other documents. Once we have all these documents, we’ll explain the next steps to have the funds released and how we will monitor the progress of repairs to confirm that they have been completed.
Insurance claim funds being held by Freedom in escrow are typically paid in stages, beginning with an initial payment, followed by additional payments based on the completion of repairs. If there are funds left in the escrow account after all the repairs have been paid, these funds will be sent to you.
How to Send Us Your Insurance Loss Draft Documents
In addition to calling us to start your claim check endorsement request, you can get a jumpstart on the process by sending us your documents in advance. Here’s how:
- Online. Visit MyInsurancePortal and register for an account. This account will help you manage your insurance claim and upload documents, such as your adjuster’s report, your USDA owner’s affidavit (if applicable), and other requested documents.
- Email. Email your adjuster’s report and USDA owner’s affidavit (if applicable) to us at FreedomMortgageLD@PFIC.com.
- Mail. Mail your claim check(s) and additional documents to us:
Overnight Mail | Regular Mail |
Freedom Mortgage Attention: Loss Draft Department 700 Tower Drive, Suite 400 Troy, MI 48098 |
Freedom Mortgage Attention: Loss Draft Department PO Box 5053 Troy, MI 48007-5053 |
Whom Do You Call with Questions About Your Insurance Claim?
When you have questions about your insurance claim, please contact one of our Insurance Claim Specialists by calling 888-810-7318. Our specialists are available Monday–Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM, ET, and Saturday, 9 AM–2 PM, ET.
How Are Loss Claims Processed When Your Payments Are Delinquent?
When your Freedom Mortgage loan payments are delinquent, you will need to send us the claim check, which we will deposit in a restricted escrow account. This is required, regardless of the amount of your loss claim. Please be sure to endorse the check before you send it to us.
We will ask you to send us other claim documents. Once we have all these documents, we’ll explain to you how the funds in your escrow fund will be paid out and how we will monitor the progress of repairs to confirm that they have been completed.
Does Freedom Mortgage Work with Proctor Loan Protector?
Yes. Freedom Mortgage works with Proctor Loan Protector to help manage your insurance claims. You may receive calls or other communications from Proctor as a result. Please be assured that these calls and communications are legitimate.
How Does Freedom Mortgage Determine the Amount of the Loss Claim?
Freedom Mortgage uses the adjuster’s report from your insurance company to help us determine the amount of your claim. We’ll typically subtract costs not related to repairing the structure of your house when we do this.
For example, let’s say you file a $60,000 insurance claim, of which $30,000 covers the costs of repairing your home, and $30,000 covers the cost of replacing its contents. In this case, for our purposes the amount of your loss claim would be $30,000—only the amount related to repairing your home.
Can You Use Claim Funds to Make Your Loan Current or Pay off Your Loan?
You cannot use claim funds to make a delinquent loan current. You can use claim funds to pay off your mortgage loan, but only if you use the funds to pay off the full amount.
Please contact Freedom Mortgage if you are interested in paying off your mortgage. In the case of a total loss of your home, we reserve the right to use claim funds to pay off your loan.
Begin Your Claims Process Today
To open a check endorsement request, contact our Insurance Claims Department at 888-810-7318. We are available Monday–Friday, 8 AM–8 PM, ET, and Saturday, 9 AM to 2 PM, ET.
Last reviewed and updated January 2025 by Freedom Mortgage.